
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tabacco - Lesson #2 Task #2

Why is tobacco sometimes chewed?

-For chewing tobacco, smokers mix it with their gums or put in between their cheek so they can let it sit in the mouth and suck the 'tobacco juices' out of this. I do not know why people chew tobacco, maybe its their preference

Why is tobacco sometimes smoked?

- For smoking tobacco, its like your normal smoke, put the tobacco on the paper along with the filter, roll it up and light it, although, people find that smoking is used as stress relief and sometimes help calm the nervous system

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tobacco affects

In health we did an activity, which was mixed and match, we had to put drugs and consequences in the classes ( A class - B class - C class )

This is the board that we made.